oblivion npc ne demek?

Oblivion NPCs (Non-Player Characters) are characters in the video game The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion who are not controlled by the player but are a part of the game's world. These NPCs can have various roles, such as merchants, quest-givers, companions, and enemies.

Oblivion NPCs vary in race, gender, and appearance, making them more realistic and varied. They also have personalities and behaviors that can affect the player's gameplay, such as reacting differently to different actions, making comments, and forming opinions about the player's character.

Some notable Oblivion NPCs include the main quest-givers such as Martin Septim and Jauffre, and memorable characters such as Lucien Lachance, Sheogorath, and Adoring Fan. Each NPC has their own voice actor and dialogue, contributing to the immersive experience of the game.